I'm afraid of stupid people, where can I get paid for having to put up with these types?
Why is it that the First Amendment seems to protect phone calls, emails, and text messages but the Second Amendment is only supposed to protect muskets?
What he said: http://dailycaller.com/2013/04/09/lars-hedegaard-on-the-issue-that-nearly-had-him-murdered-immigration-video/
Why do some immigrants try to fit into, and adopt, the culture and language of their new country but others seem to think that 'their' ways (which they left behind) should be respected regardless of the laws and mores of their adoptive country?
I agree with the Associated Press in that we should stop using the term 'illegal immigrants'. I vote that we should just label them 'criminals' and go from there. I'm all for legal immigration, after all, it's how the United States started and grew. I have some very good friends who are legal immigrants and some that even became citizens (I was honored to be able to attend a swearing-in ceremony for one.) BTW, none of them have much good to say about the illegal ones.
A Jehovah's Witness person once told my father that his children weren't "his own." His response was that he'd like to know who they belonged to since he'd been paying for us all these years. Thank the people of the 60's, 70's, & 80's for making it so that teachers and neighbors couldn't discipline other people's children. That's why we have so many spoiled brats running around now. They are the same people who are unwilling to train their dogs, etc. so the dogs don't bite children. So maybe the comment recently about how 'your children are not yours' may not be far from wrong. http://www.katsandogz.com/onchildren.html I still want to know where to submit my reimbursement form for all the money that I spent on (not) my children.
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