I have been just too totally fed up with the politics in the U.S. to even write about how I feel. What a bunch of spineless, gutless wonders we have in Foggy Bottom!
From the illegal problem (worse here: http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/04/tax-credit-bonanza-for-illegal-immigrants/) to the gun-grab politicians (along with the ones that want to cozy up to the UN with their anti-Second Amendment treaty.) It's just disgusting what Holder has done and continues to do, the IRS, spying on journalists. I guess paranoid people really do have enemies.
the food stamp program should be pulled from the agriculture department and placed in the welfare department where it belongs AND it should be limited to legal citizens of the U.S.
Okay, can you say 'racist'? There, I knew you could. From the department of "Only Whites Can Be Racists".
Lousy speaker but fairly good message about gun violence.
Libtards can be so funny sometimes -or- how to attack yourself online, make up some false counter-attack, get caught at it, then claim you are innocent of the accusations. Oh, and some other wack-jobs seem to think her whole tirade was somehow justified. It takes all kinds I suppose.
Whatever happened to responsibility, maturity and a sense of morals? This reminds me of the "someone has to take care of my (15) kids" rant by that 20-something young (slut) woman. Yes, you read that right, 20-something, 15 kids, no daddy. If you want that link, let me know and I'll post it.
Islam is the religion of peace?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22634468 Is this really any surprise to anyone anymore? Where's the outcry, where's the uproar? No, thousands of Muslims protested in the UK that there ought to be a law protecting Islam from any criticism or talk that they don't like. Things that make you go 'hmmmm'.
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