Before I begin, my sincere apologies to any of my GLB friends who might be offended; this is a comparison not an attack. I certainly do support the legality of same-sex marriages (after all, why should only heterosexuals have to experience divorce).
Why is it that the current administration seems to think that the U.S. Constitution gives a small group of people rights but not a large group of people? A recent story (1 below) is about how a particular law (passed apparently legally) violates the highest law of the land even though the concept is not even quoted in the Bill of Rights. However, the Democrats are assailing the rights granted by the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights which specifically provides rights to the people.
By current estimates there are around 132 million gun owners in America [2] while there are about 31 million GLBs [3]. So, what reasoning could possibly dictate that a group of 132 million is a fringe group of ‘gun nuts’ while a segment of one quarter that number must have specific rights granted to it that are NOT in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. What is wrong with our current government that this is even a question?
1. Story
2. Number of U.S. gun owners (est.)
3. Number of U.S. GLB’s (est.)
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